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TechRepublic Premium Understanding Bash: A guide for Linux administrators
If you use Linux, chances are pretty good you use Bash. But what is it? In this article from TechRepublic Premium, discover why Bash is an incredibly powerful and useful tool for Linux administrators. Not only does it make it possible for you to send input to the operating system, but it allows you to ...
TechRepublic Premium How to become an expert at SELinux
SELinux stands for Security Enhanced Linux, it and is a Linux kernel security model, created by the National Security Agency (NSA), that provides a hardened set of access control security policies for the Linux operating system. Specifically, SELinux is an implementation of Mandatory Access Controls (MAC), which is a type of access control that constraints ...
TechRepublic Premium How to configure networking on a Linux server
If you’ve started your journey as a Linux administrator, you’ve probably come into contact with a few tasks that you think should be simple, but aren’t quite as easy as you’re accustomed to. One reason for this is because so many Linux servers are of the GUI-less type. In other words, there’s quite a lot ...
TechRepublic Premium 7 steps for setting goals in a new year
Although any time is better than never, a new year offers a perfect occasion for reviewing and confirming IT priorities. Tech pros can implement these seven planning steps to successfully set and track goals and subsequently prioritize initiatives. This article from TechRepublic Premium details seven specific steps to help you establish goals–both professional and personal–for ...
TechRepublic Premium How to manage processes in Linux
No matter your Linux system, be it desktop or server, there will be quite a large number of processes running at any given time. Hopefully those processes are all running as expected. But if not, this article from TechRepublic Premium has some tips to get your processes running smoothly again including how to list running ...
TechRepublic Premium Hiring kit: Game tester
Game testing requires more than just the ability to play games. A successful candidate must be able to identify, isolate, and explain bugs and design flaws as part of the development team. This hiring kit from TechRepublic Premium contains a job description, sample interview questions, and basic want ad to help you find the best ...
TechRepublic Premium Checklist: Office relocation
New office launches and site relocations run the range from straightforward to overly complex. For intricate, sophisticated new office deployments and larger site moves, TechRepublic Premium’s Office relocation checklist and article can help plan, monitor and execute such projects. From the article: Due to fewer dependencies, though, smaller site launches and office moves typically require ...
TechRepublic Premium How to manage systemd on Linux
In this article from TechRepublic Premium you will learn how to manage systemd on your Linux systems. From the article: systemd is the initialization system for Linux that replaced the aging collection of startup scripts, often called System V. Those individual scripts were responsible for starting various functions for the system and were controlled by ...
TechRepublic Premium 7 Linux commands to help you with disk management
This TechRepublic Premium article introduces users to some of the more useful disk management command line tools found on just about every Linux distribution. Once you have even a basic understanding of these commands, disk management in Linux will be considerably easier. The list of available commands probably isn’t quite as long as you might ...
TechRepublic Premium Hiring kit: Technical writer
A good technical writer can help end users master the software and hardware they need to do their jobs, boosting productivity and ensuring adoption. However, a lack of easy-to-follow documentation can lead to frustration, poor morale, and inefficient usage. This hiring kit from TechRepublic Premium includes a job description, sample interview questions, and a basic ...
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