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TechRepublic Premium 6 easy tips for cleaning up your personal and professional inbox
Do you go through a yearly ritual of cleaning out your inboxes, because either you’ve exceeded your allotted mailbox space, or you find rooting through that collection of missives to be so daunting that you’d rather just mass delete everything and start all over (only to have to go through the very same ritual in ...
TechRepublic Premium Checklist: Onboarding and offboarding C-level executives
C-level executives commonly present a unique combination of advanced permissions, mobility requirements and public personae that intensify the need to defend traditional attack surfaces. Therefore, it’s important adopt a deliberate, standalone checklist to eliminate errors and best position new executives for productivity and success while also securing the firm’s data when they leave. IT departments ...
TechRepublic Premium Cybersecurity strategy 2021: Tactics, challenges and supply chain concerns
Cybersecurity risks in the enterprise show no signs of slowing down, as the sophistication, frequency and consequences of cyberattacks continue to evolve and grow. Toss in the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain disruptions, and it’s no wonder that enterprises are shifting their cybersecurity strategies. How successful are they? TechRepublic Premium ran a cybersecurity strategy survey ...
TechRepublic Premium Linux 101: What tech pros need to know
Linux is such a powerful platform that enterprise businesses of all kinds would struggle to remain as agile and capable as they are without it. With that much importance, it’s imperative that your IT staff has the skills required to deploy, manage and maintain this open-source operating system. Linux 101 is here to help upskill ...
TechRepublic Premium Mobile device computing policy
Mobile devices are a way of life, in both the consumer and business realms—and business interests must be protected where the two converge. The bring your own device (BYOD) approach, which allows employees to use their own mobile devices to perform company business, is accepted by a majority of organizations now. These companies have seen ...
TechRepublic Premium Home video setup: What you need to look and sound professional
While you upgrade your office to work remotely, don’t forget about improving it to get better results for video. You may say to yourself, “But I don’t film anything at home?” Au contraire, mon ami, more than likely you film yourself every day. All of those Zoom meetings? Filming. Google Meet? Filming. FaceTime? Yet again—filming. ...
TechRepublic Premium Artificial intelligence ethics policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the appropriate use of ethics involving artificial Intelligence. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization. From the policy: SUMMARY The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning is on the rise in many organizations across various fields. Artificial ...
TechRepublic Premium Checklist: Onboarding and offboarding IT staff
Employees, contractors and even interns come and go. IT departments, of course, are tasked with ensuring the proper accounts, applications, services and permissions are assigned to each user. The process quickly becomes complex, considering the variety of corresponding elements that must be tracked for every onboarding and offboarding. But when enrolling or disabling an IT ...
TechRepublic Premium Bring your own device (BYOD) policy
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement has helped business save money on technological spending by allowing employees to use their own mobile devices, tablets or other electronics to conduct company operations. The convenience of letting users rely upon devices they are familiar with (and for which they have their own support) has also made ...
TechRepublic Premium Mobile device security policy
More and more users are conducting business on mobile devices. This can be due to increases in remote workers, travel, global workforces, or just being on-the-go. This policy provides guidelines for mobile device security needs in order to protect businesses and their employees from security threats. From the policy Summary Mobile devices are commonly used ...
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