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TechRepublic Premium Hiring kit: Blockchain integration specialist
TechRepublic Premium Media disposal policy
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TechRepublic Premium Employee performance review policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide guidelines for employee performance reviews, which will clearly document accomplishments and areas of opportunity via an encouraging and thought-provoking analysis. This will assist in determining the next steps for employees as well as their future at the organization. This policy can be customized ...
TechRepublic Premium Employee time off policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this policy from TechRepublic Premium is to provide guidelines for requesting, filing and permitting paid/unpaid time off as well as to ensure coverage during holidays, vacation(s) and other absences where staffing levels must be consistent to meet the needs of the business. From the policy: TIME OFF GUIDELINES All time off ...
TechRepublic Premium Employee privacy policy
PURPOSE This policy describes the organization’s employee privacy guidelines and outlines employee privacy expectations. From the policy: POLICY DETAILS The organization’s IT equipment, services and systems are intended for business use only. However, the organization acknowledges that staff, consultants and volunteers occasionally require opportunities to make or receive personal phone calls, access personal email, utilize ...
TechRepublic Premium Security response policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this Security Response Policy from TechRepublic Premium is to outline the security incident response processes which must be followed. This policy will assist to identify and resolve information security incidents quickly and effectively, thus minimizing their business impact and reducing the risk of similar incidents recurring. It includes requirements for both ...
TechRepublic Premium End user data backup policy
PURPOSE This policy from TechRepublic Premium provides guidelines for reliable and secure backups of end user data. It outlines the responsibilities of IT departments and employees to identify tasks and action items for each group. The policy can be customized to fit the needs of your organization. From the policy: IT STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES IT staff ...
TechRepublic Premium Electronic communication policy
This policy from TechRepublic Premium provides guidelines for the appropriate use of electronic communications. It covers topics such as privacy, confidentiality and security; ensures electronic communications resources are used for appropriate purposes; informs employees regarding the applicability of laws and company policies to electronic communications; and prevents disruptions to and misuse of company electronic communications ...
TechRepublic Premium Change order form
PURPOSE Change is inevitable in any technological sector; it brings new features, functions and opportunities and helps businesses prosper through evolution. However, change can be detrimental to company operations if not executed properly through advanced notification of and approval by involved personnel. This change order form is designed to help you plan, implement and track ...
TechRepublic Premium Electronic data disposal policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the appropriate disposal of information and the destruction of electronic media, which is defined as any storage device used to hold company information including, but not limited to, hard disks, magnetic tapes, compact discs, audio or videotapes, and removable storage devices such as USB ...
TechRepublic Premium Project management checklist
INTRODUCTION Projects are typically complex, which is particularly true when software, hardware and information technologies are involved. Hence, there is a need for a thorough written plan, complete with a budget and defined goals, milestones, and a carefully drafted schedule among other elements. PURPOSE For a project to succeed, it’s important to understand the fundamentals ...
TechRepublic Premium 16 must-read books on the impact of AI, robotics, and automation
AI and robotics technology continues to drive automation across all sectors of industry. The books in the following list offer insights into where this tech is headed, how it’s being put to use and the ways it will impact the modern workforce. From the list: Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future Andrew McAfee and ...
Upcoming Downloads
- Hiring Kit: Human resource specialist
- Hiring Kit: Computer Forensic Analyst
- Hiring Kit: Blockchain Engineer