There are so many ways a second phone number can be useful. If you have your own business, you probably want to have a dedicated phone number for the company rather than just using your personal number. But no one really wants to shell out for another expensive phone contract. Well, now, you don’t have to, because you have one last chance to get an affordable second phone number with a lifetime subscription to a Hushed Private Phone Line for only $25 until 3/31.
Simply download the secure Hushed app and you can access all the best features of a regular phone number, such as customized voicemail, call forwarding and more. There are hundreds of area codes available in both the U.S. and Canada, allowing you to anonymously call or text phone numbers in either country. You can even easily manage multiple numbers.
This plan gives you 6,000 texts and 1,000 phone minutes each year. As a plus, you can certainly add more SMS credits or phone minutes whenever you like. You can also use WiFi or mobile data to chat and text, avoiding service charges. In fact, you can access Hushed to make phone calls from any web browser, as well as from your phone app.
Running a profitable business means having the right tools and software. Hushed is an affordable solution for an essential service, and subscribers love using the app. With over 5,600 reviews in Apple’s App Store, Hushed has an impressive average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. TechCrunch says it’s “a viable, more lightweight alternative to something like Google Voice.”
Get a lifetime subscription to a Hushed Private Phone Line while it’s on sale for only $25 through March 31, an 83% discount off the regular $150 retail price.
Prices and availability are subject to change.