How to add new status labels on a monday work management timeline
Status labels are a key component of a project management board. Learn how to create custom status labels for your project boards with these easy steps.
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Status labels are a key component of a project management board. Learn how to create custom status labels for your project boards with these easy steps.
Zoho Projects offers everything you need to manage your projects — even the ability to customize tabs to give you the perfect view.
Zoho Projects makes it possible to integrate Google Calendar for an even more useful project management solution. Find out how to make this work for you.
If the default portal domain in Zoho Projects is too challenging to remember or doesn't fit your company brand, there's a simple way to change it.
Airtable is a great tool for collecting and sharing data, but it has some cons for task management. Discover the best alternatives with our list.
Zoho Projects makes for an outstanding issue-tracking tool. Learn how to submit and manage your issues with this project management platform.
If your project team members need to share passwords, learn how to use Bitwarden's Folders feature.
Learn how to streamline your project management tasks with Taskade’s Get Things Done template.
Jack Wallen shows you how to get the most out of your Zoho Projects Dashboard with a bit of customization.
Jack Wallen explores the world of Zoho Projects and comes away impressed. Is this your next project management tool?
See how to export your Trello board for project management to a JSON file so you can import it into other services or save it as a backup.
Learn how to create a Trello card for project management by sending an email to your account.
Learn whether note keeping apps like Google Keep can serve your project management needs or if their simplicity makes them fall short.
Learn about the Trello project management software’s BigPicture Power-Up and how to use it.
See how to integrate the Trello software with Google Mail for a much simpler project management workflow.