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DNU Asset Abstract
TradeLens is an open and neutral supply chain platform underpinned by blockchain technology. It is enabling true information sharing and collaboration across supply chains, thereby increasing industry innovation, reducing trade friction and—ultimately—promoting more global trade. Download the solution brief to explore how TradeLens can underpin your supply chain and help to resolve operational pain-point and ...
Discover the new benefits of expanding automation to the enterprise. Know more about better ways to run Ansible and best practices for control with Ansible Tower to realise its true potential.
Enterprise applications are so diverse and composed of multiple technologies, databases, user devices, and so on, that only a DevOps approach can be successful when dealing with these complexities. DevOps is an approach based on lean and agile principles in which business owners and the development, operations, and quality assurance departments collaborate to deliver software ...
Data breaches are a threat to every organization. Breach damage goes beyond the loss or disclosure of sensitive or confidential data; companies incur significant financial costs associated with remediation and multi-year legal liability claims. This paper details the top 5 security threats to help organizations take steps to protect their critical data assets.
As demands from customers expand, particularly in the delivery of data-driven, customer-centric initiatives that enhance customer experience and drive revenue, so do the demands organizations place on their agency partners. Selecting the right global marketing agency for your organization has never been more important. This report is go-to source for selecting the right agency for ...
As demands from customers expand, particularly in the delivery of data-driven, customer-centric initiatives that enhance customer experience and drive revenue, so do the demands organizations place on their agency partners. Selecting the right global marketing agency for your organization has never been more important. This report is go-to source for selecting the right agency for ...
“Your network is more complex than ever before. Your employees are accessing any application they want, using work or personal devices. Oftentimes, these applications span both personal and work-related usage, but the business and security risks are often ignored. Prospective employees are asking about application usage policies before accepting a job. Adding another layer of ...